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How to Solve “THE” web3 Problem: A Staircase Tax

MMOs and most web3 titles suffer from a fundamental design flaw: capital depreciation (or lack thereof). The result is a Zimbabwe-style hyperinflation economy so prevalent Redditors plead to find an MMO that hasn’t suffered. Even EVE Online, with its own Head Economist  1. suffered inflation bouts. It’s a looming threat to the web3 space, only mitigated by the fact that web3 games haven’t survived long enough to grapple with it. Luckily, there’s an answer that combines the best solutions from MMOs with the “permanence” soul of web3: a staircase tax. Reddit Find Friedman in All the Unexpected Places Gold Farmers Always Win As Milton Friedman reminds us, “Inflation is everywhere, and always a monetary phenomenon,” a principle that extends to MMOs. When players generate or mine assets, holding all else constant, the supply curve moves outward, and price falls. With enough time, […]

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