Analysis: Playable Ads In Germany
Why do so many advertisers stick only to the big media channels (a.k.a. walled gardens)? What opportunities are they missing in the lesser-known arenas? This article reveals how playable ads are capturing attention in Germany. I'll give you a closer look at how these ads are used in gaming and non-gaming apps and offer insights that could open new doors for your mobile marketing efforts. Interactive ads, often called playable ads, are a popular way to engage users with interactive content, and I will use these terms interchangeably throughout this article. While playable ads are traditionally associated with gaming apps—allowing users to try out gameplay within the ad—non-gaming apps often use interactive elements like end cards appended to video ads. Both genres aim to enhance user engagement by offering interactive experiences within advertisements. Example of a “Playable” Gaming App Ad: "Playable” Non-Gaming […]