Four Takeaways from GDC 2024
1. It's Distribution or Bust, and No One CaresIDFA is gone; how is your game designed to maximize distribution? Game designers, not marketing managers, need to start building for *sustained* user acquisition. Adding an influencer as a cosmetic is a nice stunt, but it's not fundamental to the game loop. I was surprised at the absence of these questions relative to the AI focus. If the Chinese refuse to divest TikTok, this question will become more pressing over the next year2. Web3 Evolved from Shipping No Product to Previewing Bad ProductShrapnel, the web3 FPS developed by devs with actual game industry experience, was playable. It was…bad. The official launch is targeted for 2025, so there's time to fix the issues, but this is another hopeful breakthrough that's become doubtful. It's still progress for web3, which usually lacks products of any […]