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12 Key Money Metrics in Mobile Game Development

🛠️ Product 1. LTV (Lifetime Value): The total revenue a player is expected to generate over their entire time playing the game.2. ARPU (Average Revenue Per User): The average revenue generated by a single user over a specific period (daily/weekly/monthly).3. Conversion Rate: The percentage of users who make at least one purchase.4. Average Check: The average amount spent per transaction. 🚀 Marketing 5. ROAS (Return on Ad Spend): Evaluates the profitability of user acquisition.6. CPI (Cost Per Install): The average cost incurred to acquire a new user who installs the game.7. Target Spend: The planned budget for user acquisition (daily/weekly/monthly).Increasing the volume of target spending usually reduces ROAS.8. CPM (Cost Per Mille): The cost per thousand ad impressions. 💼 Business 9. ROI (Return on Investment): Measures overall profitability by comparing the net profit to the total investment cost.10. Burn Rate: […]

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